API Reference

discord.ext.audiorec module

class discord.ext.audiorec.NativeVoiceClient(client, channel)[source]

Bases: discord.voice_client.VoiceProtocol

Represent a Discord voice connection

You do not create these , you typically get them from e.g. connect()


Due to datagram transmission and reception, the opus library must be installed on your system.

Also, you need to add the location of the ffmpeg binary to the executable path because ffmpeg is used for the audio playback process.

  • client (Client) – The client (or its subclasses) that started the connection request.

  • channel (Connectable) – The voice channel that is being connected to.


async def join(self, ctx: commands.Context):

    channel: discord.VoiceChannel = ctx.author.voice.channel
    if ctx.voice_client is not None:
        return await ctx.voice_client.move_to(channel)

    await channel.connect(cls=NativeVoiceClient)

Average of most recent 20 HEARTBEAT latencies in seconds.



await connect(*, reconnect, timeout)[source]

This function is a coroutine.

An abstract method called when the client initiates the connection request.

When a connection is requested initially, the library calls the constructor under __init__ and then calls connect(). If connect() fails at some point then disconnect() is called.

Within this method, to start the voice connection flow it is recommended to use Guild.change_voice_state() to start the flow. After which, on_voice_server_update() and on_voice_state_update() will be called. The order that these two are called is unspecified.

  • timeout (float) – The timeout for the connection.

  • reconnect (bool) – Whether reconnection is expected.

await disconnect(*, force=False)[source]

This function is a coroutine.

An abstract method called when the client terminates the connection.

See cleanup().


force (bool) – Whether the disconnection was forced.


Indicates if we’re currently playing audio.


Indicates if we’re currently recording voice.


Latency between a HEARTBEAT and a HEARTBEAT_ACK in seconds. This could be referred to as the Discord Voice WebSocket latency and is an analogue of user’s voice latencies as seen in the Discord client.



await on_voice_server_update(data)[source]

This function is a coroutine.

An abstract method that is called when initially connecting to voice. This corresponds to VOICE_SERVER_UPDATE.


data (dict) –

The raw voice server update payload.

await on_voice_state_update(data)[source]

This function is a coroutine.

An abstract method that is called when the client’s voice state has changed. This corresponds to VOICE_STATE_UPDATE.


data (dict) –

The raw voice state payload.

play(input, *, after=<function NativeVoiceClient.<lambda>>)[source]

Plays Local audiofile

The finalizer, after is called after the source has been exhausted or an error occurred.

  • input (str) – The audio source path.

  • after (Callable[[Exception], None]) – The finalizer that is called after the stream is exhausted. This function must have a single parameter, error, that denotes an optional exception that was raised during playing.


Record discord voice stream

The finalizer, after is called after the record stopped or an error occurred.


after (Callable[[Exception], Any]) – The finalizer that is called after voice record is stopped. This function must have a single parameter, error, that denotes an optional exception that was raised during recording.


Stops playing audio.

await stop_record(*, loop=None)[source]

This function is a coroutine.

Stop recording.

From the time record is called to the time this function is called, audio data in PCM format is stored in the audio buffer in memory.

It is recommended to call this function around 30 seconds after the start of record due to the limitation of voice data transmission capacity.

Otherwise, the memory may be exhausted or the data may not be sent correctly due to over capacity.


loop (asyncio.AbstractEventLoop) – The event loop that the voice client is running on.


PCM audio buffer

Return type



async def rec(self, ctx: commands.Context):
    ctx.voice_client.record(lambda e: print(f"Exception: {e}"))

    await ctx.send(f'Start Recording')

    await asyncio.sleep(30)

    await ctx.invoke(self.bot.get_command('stop'))

async def stop(self, ctx: commands.Context):
    if not ctx.voice_client.is_recording():
    await ctx.send(f'Stop Recording')

    wav_bytes = await ctx.voice_client.stop_record()

    wav_file = discord.File(io.BytesIO(wav_bytes), filename="Recorded.wav")

    if wav_file:
        await ctx.send(file=wav_file)